chess pieces

Critical thinking is the ability to make good judgements about a certain issue. It helps you identify and understand arguments and evidence, and use this understanding to answer a question or suggest a suitable course of action to solve a problem.

Here you can explore the live workshops the Centre for Academic Success has to offer over the next couple of weeks on the theme of Analysis and Critical Thinking. 

Thursday 3rd October 2024

Intro to Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a key skill at university. But why is it so valued, and how do we practise and present it? In this practical workshop we will identify and analyse the crucial elements of critical thinking in order to improve your written arguments.

Singleton Campus
Thursday 3rd October 2024
10:00 - 11:00 BST

 critical thinking, arguments, evaluation

Sign up this workshop
a person playing chess

Intro to Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a key skill at university. But why is it so valued, and how do we practise and present it? In this practical workshop we will identify and analyse the crucial elements of critical thinking in order to improve your written arguments.

 Bay Campus
 Thursday 3rd October 2024
10:00 - 11:00 BST

 critical thinking, arguments, evaluation

Sign up this workshop
a person playing chess