chess pieces

Digital skills are about how you handle, present and communicate information and content using digital tools and platforms. This includes problem-solving, innovation and the creation of digital content and media, both academically and professionally.

Here you can explore the live workshops the Centre for Academic Success has to offer over the next couple of weeks on the theme of Digital skills. 

Monday 30th September 2024

The principles of slide design

Do your presentations engage your audience? Come along to our hands-on slide design workshop and discover top tips to make the most of Microsoft PowerPoint. Create better looking presentations and avoid the basic errors that cause your audience to switch off.

 Online by Zoom
  Monday 30th September 2024
10:00 - 12:00 BST

 digital skills, PowerPoint, slide design

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presentation slides on a computer

Tuesday 1st October 2024

Getting to know LaTeX

This workshop is a beginners guide to writing documents in LaTeX using Overleaf. No prior knowledge is needed for this workshop or any other computing language, it will cover the basics of LaTeX including document structure, typesetting text, tables, figures, equations and Inserting references.

 Online by Zoom
 Tuesday 1st October 2024
 16:00 - 17:00 BST

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Latex software on a computer

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Using OneDrive Efficiently

Ever lose a file or struggle with version control? This workshop explains how to set up your student OneDrive for efficient file management, so you can access, organise and amend your files from any device.

Singleton Campus
Wednesday 2nd October 2024
14:00 - 15:00 BST

digital skills, OneDrive, file management

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using a laptop and a mobile

Getting the most from Outlook

Learn the key elements of a professional email. This workshop also covers how to prioritise the emails you receive, manage events in your calendar, create a to-do list and share files in different ways.

Singleton Campus
 Wednesday 2nd October 2024
15:00 - 16:00 BST

 digital skills, Outlook, emails, calendar, to-do lists

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a person looking something up on their computer