Following your end of Level Decision, the Exam Board may offer you the opportunity to enrol as an External Student. This essentially means you are entitled to resit your assessments only, during the next available assessment period. The assessment is typically based on the resit instrument for your module, but the nature of the assessment component will be confirmed to you following enrolment. Your outcome will also highlight whether your marks will be capped at the passed mark, or whether they will be uncapped.

What does being an External student mean?

Students who enrol as an External candidate will sit the assessments outlined to them. They will not have access to attend any teaching, attend campus or access campus faculties. Students who are resitting their dissertation module are entitled to one face to face meeting with their supervisor.

What support is available to me?

Inclusive Student Support Proforma Once you are enrolled, any previously agreed provisions will be rolled over for the new academic year. Please do keep an eye on your student email account ahead of each assessment period. The Exams Office may contact you via email to confirm your provisions for in person exams.   
Will I have access to Canvas? As you are aware External Candidates do not have access to attend campus for teaching or to use campus facilities. Therefore, you will be required to complete self-study based on the teaching materials from the previous academic year. You should have access to canvas modules you are repeating. Please do let us know if you have any difficulties accessing these modules.
Support with Funding There are means of Alternative Sources of Funding, which include Charities, Foundations and Trusts. Please see here, for further information.
University Support Services External Students are not entitled to the Support that individual University Teams can offer. However, we would still encourage Student’s to make contact with the Student Experience and Information Team as a number of External Support Agencies and Charities are available