Repeat Level of Study decisions are given to Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students who have failed to meet the progression criteria for their programme. If you receive a Repeat Level of Study when results are released in either July or September, please consider the two options below.

Important Note

It is not possible to repeat failed modules or repeat a failed level whilst also studying at the next level. You must pass your current level of study before you can progress to the next level i.e. you cannot repeat a failed module/s alongside the next year of study. You can only progress to the next level of study when you have passed the current level of study.

Option 1: Repeat Level of Study

A Repeat Level of Study decision means that you will repeat all modules and your marks will not be capped. Repeating all modules may help you to broaden and deepen your understanding and keep content fresh in your mind, to help you do your best at the next level of study.

You will not carry forward any marks from the previous year, and your marks from your Repeat Level will count towards your results even if lower than in your first attempt at the level.

Students can only repeat a level of study once. If you do not pass the year on the second attempt, you will be withdrawn from your studies.

NEXT STEPS: If you wish to repeat the level of study (i.e. all modules), you do not need to take any further action apart from enrolling for the next academic session, you will automatically be entered to repeat the whole year.

Option 2: Repeat Failed Modules Only

If a Repeat Failed Modules Only Request is approved, you will repeat only the module/s you have failed, and carry forward your marks for modules you have passed. With this option, you only pay for the modules you are repeating. Please note that marks for repeat modules are capped at 40% for Year 2 students. Marks are not capped for Foundation Year and Year 1 students.

NEXT STEPS: If you wish to only repeat the modules you have failed, please complete the Request to Repeat Failed Modules Form

We recommend that you submit your request as early as possible, as it may not be possible to consider requests made after the start of teaching in the 2024-25 academic session. 

Whichever option you choose, please consider the important points below:

  • For all students, we strongly recommend that you discuss the options with either the Programme Director or the Year Head of your department before making a final decision. In addition to speaking with academic staff, the Faculty Student Experience and Information Team is available if you have any questions.

  • Are you funded by Student Finance? Repeating study can affect Student Finance. For advice, please contact Money@CampusLife. We recommend that you also see the Repeat Level and Repeat Modules information on the Extenuating Circumstances and Financial Implications guidance.
  • Are you an international or EU student with a visa? If you are a International Student or an EU student who may require a visa for the 2024-25 academic session, you must seek advice from the International@CampusLife Team about how repeating a year of study will affect your visa and immigration status.
  • Are you a sponsored student? If you are a sponsored student, it is strongly recommended that you discuss your options with your Sponsor before submitting a request to repeat your failed modules only. If you submit a request to repeat your failed modules only, this will be sent to your sponsor for approval. It may take a few days to confirm an outcome of your request, whilst we wait for a response from your sponsor.

Frequently Asked Questions