Your Student Experience in Science and Engineering

We will engage with you throughout the year to highlight events, opportunities and schemes relevant to all students.

Don’t miss out…

  • We’ll post about events to your Faculty Community Hub on Canvas & put reminders on our social media – don’t forget to follow the Student Experience team @scienceengineering_community / @cymuned_gwyddoniaethpeirianneg on Instagram to keep up to date with what’s going on each week!
  • Your Student Support team will also host a range of Support Sessions dedicated to information which is useful for you. Keep an eye on our Dedicated Support Sessions page for updates on events like our Exam Success workshops.


Get Involved by…

  • Share feedback, Give Praise, Ask a Question or Make a Suggestion through Myunivoice!
  • Become a Student Rep!
  • Engage in student surveys and Focus Groups


Your Student Communities

Why is this important?

As a student at Swansea, you are automatically part of multiple communities – and it is up to you how you wish to engage with these. 

Your student communities form a key part of the way we communicate with you, to ensure that opportunities, events and information you receive are relevant and interesting.

In addition, it allows us to direct your questions & feedback to appropriate staff. Explore the tabs to find out more about each community, and our top tips for getting involved.

Your University Your Faculty Your School Your Department & Your Programme Your Year Group