Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Engineering

picture of students walking on the beach by Bay Campus with the Great Hall in the background

"At Swansea University and in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, we believe in working in partnership with students. We work hard to break down barriers and value the contribution of everyone. Our goal is an inclusive community where everyone is respected, and everyone’s contributions are valued. Always feel free to talk to academic, technical and administrative staff, administrators - I’m sure you will find many friendly helping hands ready to assist you. And make the most of living and working alongside your fellow students. During your time with us, please learn, create, collaborate, and most of all – enjoy yourself!”   Professor David Smith the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean  

We hope that you are excited to join the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Swansea University. 

We look forward to welcoming you and will be adding new information regularly.

Please check back on this page each week for updates on induction timetables, resources, contacts and everything that you will need to get started with your studies.

Actions to complete!

  • Follow us on Instagram! Follow us at @ to see how we’re preparing for your arrival! 
  • Enrol: Enrolment will open from 16th September 2024. Please note that this is an important step, and you will not be able to join teaching sessions or access your module content until you have enrolled. 
  • Access Canvas: Locate the Faculty of Science and Engineering Community HUB on your Canvas Dashboard and engage in the pre-arrival activities.
  • Bookmark our pages: Explore our Faculty Student webpages to see what support and options are available to you throughout your studies with us.
  • Plan your arrival: Inductions will be held during Welcome Week (23 September – 27 September 2024)
  • Attend: Engage in all Welcome and Induction activities. Make sure to attend the All Faculties Fayre at least once on either campus. Find out more here.
  • Get Involved: Check Whats On (swansea-union.co.uk) for arrival activities and things to do!

 Returning student? Please find out more about Welcome Back information here.

The Student Information Team

We are here to help if you have questions, need advice or have personal circumstances that may need support. Available to Call, Zoom, Live Chat, Email, and visit in-person.

Contact the team
Photographs of the student information team.