Tuesday 24th September

11:00am-12:00pm Programme Welcome and Induction Session (Room G36, Ground Floor, Richard Price Building) **Compulsory**

Meet your Programme Director and other key academic staff, who will introduce your programme of study, provide key academic information and direct you to course resources


12:00-1:00pm First Steps Session (Room G36, Ground Floor, Richard Price Building) **Compulsory**

Meet your Student Information and Support Team who will introduce the key IT platforms and systems you’ll need for your studies, outline the academic and welfare support available, and explain further ways to get involved in student life.


1:00-2:00pm Social Meet and Greet Lunch (Ground Floor, Taliesin Arts Centre)

Get to know your new classmates and lecturers over a free buffet lunch!


2:00-3:15pm Library Induction (Room G36, Ground Floor, Richard Price Building) **Compulsory**

Find out how to access all the help available to you through our Library Services including book loans, study spaces, online resources, referencing, finding academic misconduct advice and more!

Any Questions?

The Student Experience and Information Team are your first point of contact for advice, signposting and general information queries. You’ll get the chance to meet the team during Welcome Week.

You can contact them via email, or, once you’re in Swansea, you can pop in to see them in the Student Information Office, Digital Technium Building on Singleton Campus, or at the School of Management Building Reception, Bay Campus, Monday to Friday 9am-4pm.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions within the Faculty. If you’ve got any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Your Student Information Team

Pictures of members of the student information team

Frequently Asked Questions